Tag Archives: I love you just the way I am

I Love You Just the Way I Am


Hmmm.  So, my second Valentine’s Day in a row single….

If I’m really honest, I didn’t know if that would be the case a year ago.  I didn’t really know what I wanted.  I’m not quite as optimistic as last year, however probably more realistic.  I’ve really only been on my own for just over a year and since I’ve been in relationships 6.5 of the last 9.5 years and always seem to have some crush, admirer, or casual fling on the side…it’s probably not a bad thing. Something tells me that hindsight will tell me it’s actually a pretty good thing.

I’m feeling a little less mushy and a little bit more independent. A little less hopeless and a little more hopeful…or you could reverse those depending on the topic.  Last year I knew a lot of change was coming and this year, well, it came.

Either way, Valentine’s Day is not the be all and end all of anything – it never was.  Even when in love it was overrated, so why would we care now?  We shouldn’t and we won’t, but for those of you out there who do…all the power to you and Saint Valentine.

In honour of this hallowed day, I’m going to share some freaky old Valentine’s Day Cards.  People sure had a weird sense of humour back in the day and as I love a good pun as much as the next gal – Happy Valentine’s Day to Ewe.

The Ginga Ninja

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